A while back, five houses ago and only five months ago, I was in my hobbity little kitchen baking up some melting moments, yes, melting moments, when this wondrous ball of grey and white fur sidled on up to my kitchen window and poked it's nose down into my basement.
She was a beauty.
Eyes that have you obeying the next and most impossible demands.
You will probably do whatever she puuurrrrs; because, she says so.
Her puuuuurs have the sound of bass. Your listening ear pressed up against a thumping speaker, one strum, than it disappears.
That afternoon, when I pulled my melting moments out of the oven, that is when I first saw her. I hoped that she would stay for the rest of the day, so I could feed her warm milk and let her claw at my hand.
You know what? She was such a friendly cat. She looked like she would have enjoyed sitting at my window watching me make anything I pulled out of the oven. She was just that kind of cat.
A note from me: in the last couple of weeks, a blog that I enjoy reading, "Good Egg" had featured a wonderful photo of a fury feline. As soon as I saw it I was reminded of my mystery guest one fall afternoon last year. Of course, I needed to share her with you. Enjoy.
Another note: I can't seem to find my delicious photo's of my melting moments. I will make more of those buttery, sugary goodness morsels to share with you soon. When I have a kitchen next.
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