Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Vietnam Part One

For the first time in three and a half years, from what I can remember, I have taken the time to sit down and click through my wonderfully tasty photo's from the time I spent in Vietnam. Some days it feels like a lifetime ago that I was there, than there are the days that I will go slurp up some tender, cooked over fiery  coals pork, rice noodles with all that splendid greenery and nuoc mam (deliciously smelly fish sauce) that come with nearly every plate of Vietnamese cuisine, those are the days that take me back in a heart beat.

Since I am yet to find a home with a wall to hang all my favourite shots on, I have decided to spend three consecutive posts to share with you some of the memories I captured while travelling in Vietnam. One post would probably have been fine but there were too many I loved and too many that held great inspiration. Get out there.

These photo's are in no order and I may or may not mention where they have been taken. Sometimes it's nice to just be dreamy and wonder.

Also, I took all of these photo's with an itty bitty pocket sized Nikon digital camera. Nothing fancy. I have since upgraded dramatically and am still in the early stages of learning how to use my not so itty bitty upgrade.

Worlds away

I'm dedicating these photo's to my friends who just jumped aboard a plane to Thailand.
I'm also dedicating these photo's to my friend who really wants to jump aboard a plane to anywhere that keeps the adventure alive. 

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